
Showing posts from July, 2020

Running my First Half Marathon

Running is the best exercise. Running is undeniably the most effective exercise that everybody can opt to. The only problem is people take this for granted or they do not actually realize the benefits of running.  Aside from being the best workout, it is also the cheapest. Heck, it is for free. The only thing you will invest on, is the running shoes, or if you have running shoes already but never used them for running, you're actually killing its purpose and spirit. So go ahead, lace 'em up, and you're good to go.  If you are still lacking the motivation to start running, let me share my story and how I became obsessed to running.  I decided to run my first half marathon. To be honest with you,  the decision of running the half marathon was out of whim and it was not really planned. My best friend and I was hanging out in a coffee place, browsing the web while drinking our coffee. And suddenly, I bumped into the National Geographic Earth Day Run advertisement and I blurted